A chipped tooth can be painful and scary, and many do not fully understand what to do once a chipped tooth occurs.

By fully understanding how to handle a chipped tooth initially, you can ensure the pain does not last longer than necessary and the chance of an infection is drastically reduced.

Chipped Tooth Treatment

Any chipped tooth that causes severe pain or carries a high risk of an infection should be seen by a dentist. However, there are certain things that should be done to treat a chipped tooth before a dentist is seen.

The following are the first four things to do after a chipped tooth occurs.

Prevent an infection

After a chipped tooth occurs, the tooth, as well as the entire mouth, is at an increased risk of an oral infection. It is important to take the necessary precautions to ensure the mouth stays free of any bacteria.

The first and most important thing to do after a chipped tooth occurs is to wash your mouth out with either warm saltwater. This should help prevent an infection from developing and reduce the pain.

It is also important to avoid placing anything in your mouth that may carry a risk of infection. This means eating and drinking should not occur after a chipped tooth happens.

Stop the bleeding

In some cases of a chipped tooth, particularly a chipped tooth that resulted from a traumatic event, there may be some bleeding that occurs.

Not only can the bleeding be very annoying and leave a bad taste in the mouth, but it can also jeopardize your oral health if not controlled.

The best way to stop the bleeding after a chipped tooth is to use a clean gauze and apply firm pressure to the affected area. If the chipped tooth is loose or the clean gauze causes more pain to the affected area, gently place pressure on the bleeding area. Continue to hold the gauze over the bleeding area until a dentist is seen.

Stop the pain

It is highly recommended to visit the dentist as soon as possible after a chipped tooth, in which case it is best to deal with the pain until the dentist is seen.

In the event the dentist cannot be seen until the next day, it is important to prevent an infection and manage the pain level. The best way to do so is to apply a dental cement – which can be found at various drug stores – on the affected tooth and take pain relief medication.

Also, applying ice to the affected area is a good way to manage the tooth pain as well.

Visit a dentist

Perhaps the most important step in the process is to see a dentist for long-term treatment for the chipped tooth. There are various treatment options for a chipped tooth that help to restore the look, feel and function of the tooth.

If you have suffered a chipped tooth, give us a call and schedule a time to come in for prompt treatment to ensure the injury is properly dealt with in a timely manner.

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