While there is great comfort in eating of that corn-on-the-cob, sizzling steak, licorice, or chewy candy using one’s natural teeth it is sometimes necessary for a set of complete dentures or partial dentures to be.
Helpful Information About Dentures
Complete dentures for the upper and lower teeth are necessary when the natural teeth can no longer function as they were intended in the chewing of food. The signs for consulting with your dentist with regards getting dentures are that of advanced tooth decay, loose teeth due to advanced gum disease that has affected the underlying bone under the gum, shifting of teeth so there is noticeable spaces between teeth, the gaps between your teeth are getting wider, and severe pain when eating of any foods, and indication that the nerve is being ‘attacked’ at the center of tooth. We know this can be a very emotional topic to talk about but it must be spoken of. You need to come prepared with the right questions in order to make an informed decision.
Some denture statistics
If it is of comfort, there are many people who wear dentures or have partial dentures. According to a 2009 survey by a well-known denture adhesive company, some 20 million women age 40 and over, yes, as young as age 40, wear complete or partial dentures! By the year 2020, the number of adults that will need dentures is guesstimated to be approximately 37.9 billion people according to the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. Dentures should always be the last resort to fixing the teeth, so even if you have been the prodigal dental patient in making those twice annual dental check-ups and cleanings, DO swallow your pride and run — back to the waiting embrace of your friendly dental professional! Stuff happens in life that can throw us from our normally ‘good routine habits.’ Do not assume the worse or just wait for the worse to happen! When you feel that ‘mysterious’ ‘tap to the shoulder’ to go to the dentist, while there is still no pain… GO! DO IT! Your natural teeth may not be as bad as you assume and dentures use can be avoided.
In the event the prognosis is to attain complete or partial dentures it is important to ask the right questions of your dentist with regards this invasive procedure to your mouth and why we are going to help you by telling you what the first four questions should be: